Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm a wiki-How Hero!

Do people often say to you, "You should sell these on Etsy!" or "Are you on Etsy yet?" If the answer is yes, then it's time to get off your keester and set up shop! It's easier than you think, trust me.(my intro)

It's official, I wrote my very first wiki-How article this morning. It took just a smidge of planning and I had to organize my thoughts, but I got to write about something that is part of my day-to-day ... Etsy! There was actually a request posted for "How to sell crafts on Etsy". How had this not been posted yet? Lucky me. It's pretty straight forward with the necessary tips and small details. I hope it makes sense to other readers out there too ... but it's done. Wow! What if I could accomplish any goal in less than 24 hours? Wouldn't that just change my whole universe?

And now little old me, MariposaAvenue, is on the Charity Leaderboard with my own literary contribution. I am responsible for 1 more book going to Africa. I wonder how many more articles I can come up with this month. Stay tuned.

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